Bret Weinstein Tells Us Who He Really Is
straight from the Dark, no, Trojan... Horse's mouth
Complete with his infuriating vocal fry, this newest Dark Horse clip delivers Bret’s bombshell admission that he’s one of THEM who would enslave us. Here he is, the man who in 2021 presented the world controlled op key players Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch.
And here’s the linked video. Watch it from the 10:28 mark first, to hear the admission, then go back and watch the full eleven minute clip:
… and the idea is, “blood is thicker than water” becomes the dominant Arbiter of who you collaborate with and we get very ugly tragedies of history as people get rid of other people and take their stuff.
So that is the predicament and my refrain is we have no choice going forward: the only way a planet this high-tech integrated and well-armed can continue is if we stabilize the conditions that allow the West to flourish and globalize, so that everybody gets to participate in that system— that's really the question. We either do that or I believe we will face one ugly end or another as a species.
We’ve seen him “cooling the marks” (as Sage calls it) over the last year and a half or so. Now he’s finally laid his cards on the table. Some of us suspected he was more than just the folksy college prof who dared stick his neck out against radical BLMism. His brother Eric, after all, likes to name-drop around his associations with Jeffrey Epstein. We should have known it would come to this. The camera angle and lighting he’s chosen for this video, making himself look so menacing. That is no mistake, either.
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Thanks, Joanie. His conclusion - stabilize then globalize - as our only play is not at all surprising.
Names the problems, goes right up against the conspiracies - even depopulation and then tells us the solution. The exact solution THEY want. He's part of the 'swarm' as Shiva calls them.
Weinstein’s conclusion that Western civilization needs to continue to flourish and lead the process of globalization and be the stabilizing power of humanity’s cultural evolution is another example of “calming the Marks” (@Sage Hana). I agree with you, Joanie, about this.
Weinstein is obviously podcasting as an academic and as an intellectual and as an expert and as a scholarly philosopher.
At this point in our collective history, arguing the positive virtues of Western civilization versus Western civilization’s fatal flaws is a gigantic waste of time and energy. Western civilization has given the human population Rockefeller’s model of (deadly, but profitable) medicine and BigPharma and the World Health Organization and the Jesuits and organizations such as the Club of Rome & the Council on Foreign Relations & the Trilateral Commission & the Bilderburg Group & the World Economic Forum & the Bank of International Settlements. What great ethical-moral-economic-political goods has Western civilization produced? Did Western civilization ever give the masses political and economic freedom? I’m skeptical, but I suppose it’s debatable.
Anyway, the agenda to concentrate the power of technology and the world’s armed forces into the hands of proponents for Western civilization is simply another argument for globalization, with the end goal of globalization being one political-economic hegemon, a global State.
There’s a really good article about the State (aka the Leviathan, aka the mortal god) written by W.D. James on winter oak and Sam Bailey made a video of this article by James on her Substack.
Maybe Weinstein is a true believer that globalization is inevitable and, therefore, Weinstein wants his elitists in charge of the global State, as opposed to Oriental elitists.